Konstantin Pavlidis is a meta-physicist, science educator, author and international speaker who has worked extensively in the fields of wisdom traditions, scientific research, therapy, traditional medicine, healing and movement arts over the past four decades. He founded Orassy Health about ten years ago in London which offers a range of therapies, classes, courses and cutting-edge integrative medical treatments. Pavlidis integrates the experience of traditional and alternative medicine, scientific research and the art of movement. He is the creator of a number of programmes in the field of self-development, therapy and the performing arts such as Zen Essence Yoga, Movement Mastery, Kinesomasis, Kum Nye Therapy, Quantum Integrative Medicine, Life Blueprint series, Traumatology, Acupuncture and Choreosynthesis. He deals with stress and anxiety, burnout, boosting natural immunity, pain, traumas, post-injury recovery, mental health, Australian homoeopathy – bush/bach flower remedy, chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions and more.